Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Third Day of Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School went well again last night.  Becky (my wife) got to do an experiment with the kids using a hair dryer and a ping-pong ball to show how we need to connect with God through prayer.  First, she played dumb and tried to use the hair dryer without plugging into the wall.  Once she showed that it wouldn't work, she got the kids to tell her she needed to plug the hair dryer in and did the experiment right.  She explained with the hair dryer connected with electricity, the ping-pong ball floated with the air on.  Therefore, if we pray to God, we are connected to him and we can use his strength in our time of need.  The kids had a great time with it and Becky enjoyed interacting with them.

Tonight's theme is God is Awesome.  I've been studying the material and I think it will be a special lesson as I explain how Jesus died for our sins.  I just hope everyone survives the heat outside before we go in for our lesson.

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